Monday, 1 April 2013

The Pineapple Store

It is our pleasure to announce that the Pineapple Store is now open as scheduled.

So, what is Pineapple II at all? It is a microcomputer dedicated to media artists. By using Pineapple II you can connect virtually any type of sensors to your Mac/PC. The sensors connected via Pineapple II is treated as a MIDI instrument from your computer, thus you can create your artwork on Quartz Composer (Mac) and/or MAX (Mac/PC).

What does it mean to you? You'll never need to write any code for creating your art work.

The store will ship Pineapple II model 2013 revision 1. Firmware, and schematic of the microcomputer are open under GNU GPLv3 and Creative Commons NC-BY-SA 3.0 licences respectively.

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